måndag, oktober 31, 2005

Swedish weekend

Last weekend, I was in the northeast part of Taiwan, just outside the city of Ilan. The local importer of Fjällräven products held a "Swedish weekend", which included orienteering and Swedish folkdance. Could you guess which part I was responsible for? You guessed wrong. I was actually responsible for the folkdance...!

fredag, oktober 28, 2005

Tom Peters

This morning, I listened to a speech by Tom Peters. In fact, it was not very interesting. The evening was however much more interesting, with dinner at a gathering with the Taiwan Orienteering Association.

måndag, oktober 24, 2005

Ovan där

Yesterday, I was out on a trip with the NCTU Mountain Club. We went to the mountains east of Neiwan, which was a great experience. Even if it was far away from Hsinchu, many Taiwanese people seems to like those mountains - on the peak we met another group with almost 100 people...!

Above the cloudes - a beautiful view...

Below the cloudes - unspoiled nature...
Click here for a short movie (6 MB).

lördag, oktober 22, 2005

A Taiwanese wedding

Today, I had the honor to visit a Taiwanese wedding. It was really interesting, and totally different from a Swedish one.
Much and delicious food, many people and of course - a karaoke machine - made the day becoming a really nice happening.
Best wishes for the future!

fredag, oktober 21, 2005

Cykeltur i Nanliao

My professor, I and some classmates today went to Nanliao. It is a coast village, just outside Hsinchu. There, we rented bicycles and went along the coast line. Recommended!

onsdag, oktober 19, 2005

Hos tekniktaiwaneserna

Now, my articles about Taiwan and Japan has been printed in 9000 copies and distributed to technology students in Östergötland, Sweden. It is also possible to read the articles on the web. If you also want to see them, click on the following link and look at page 42, 43 and 45.

And the winner is...

...Teknik-SM! Tillsammans med Vetenskapsradio, Finn Upp m.fl är Teknik-SM vinnare av Kunskapspriset 2005. Det får bli en ny rad i mitt CV :-)
Intressant att titta på är också nomineringsfilmen (2.8 MB)

Sino-Swedish campus in China

The three Swedish universities KTH, Chalmers and KI has decided to open two officies in China. One at Fudan University in Shanghai and one at the Beijing University in Beijing. You can be pretty sure that I will be involved in that, at least in some way... For complete information, click here

söndag, oktober 16, 2005

Taiwan by car

During the weekend, I did not only visit Asia's biggest electronics exhibition, Taitronics, but also went on a trip with some friends. Among other things, we eat famous duck and drank coffee with a touch from Greece...Coffee from GreeceAnka

fredag, oktober 14, 2005


Yesterday, I went to a concert with the German group SingerPur, who held a concert at NCTU. They were good singers, and I afterwards went together with them to eat and introduce some specialities of Taiwan. I also did recommend them to come to visit Göteborg and A cappellakvälla.
(Click here for a sample movie, 15 MB)

onsdag, oktober 12, 2005

Kunskap ger pris

Teknik-SM, finalist för KunskapsprisetTeknik-SM (The Swedish Championship in Technology), where I was the previous project manager, has become a final candidate for the official Swedish Price of Knowledge. Read the nomination by clicking here.
On October 19, we will know the result - winner or looser? And while waiting, why not play the Teknik-SM game or watch the Teknik-SM video...? :-)
(Am I too ego? Maybe...)

lördag, oktober 08, 2005

På post för Taiwan

Varje onsdag läser jag en kurs i marknadsföring på NCTU:s campus i Taipei. Det campuset var första gången lite svårt att hitta till, för det ligger nämligen i samma byggnad som posten. Utsikten på onsdagseftermiddagarna är således över ett antal gröna postbilar av minibusstyp. Men visst måste det krävas lite logistisk planering för att få ut de fordon som står inklämda mellan åtta andra...

söndag, oktober 02, 2005

Beskedlig drakkung

Även om ett och annat träd blåste ner så blev det inte alls så mycket problem med tyfonen LongWang som man hade befarat. De boende på östra sidan av Taiwan fick ta emot drakkungen (Long=Drake, Wang=Kung), men när resterna av den kom till oss i väst så hade den kraftigt försvagats. Nu är det istället diskussioner om de senaste bomberna på Bali, dit många rika taiwaneser flyttar på sin ålders höst. I sammanhanget kan det kanske vara värt att kasta ett getöga på mitt nyhetsbrev om "Bali - i bombernas spår", som publicerades i vintras. Finns att läsa här: http://www.frick.nu/news/18.pdf

lördag, oktober 01, 2005

Dan före dan

Lugnet före stormen. Så är det just nu. Folk handlar kanske lite mer konserver än vanligt, men annars rullar livet på som om ingenting speciellt kommer att hända. Förhoppningsvis gör det inte det heller när tyfonen i morgon kommer in över ön; taiwaneserna är ju rätt vana vid både tyfoner och jordbävningar. Jag har förresten bytt bredbandstelefonnummer till 031-780 44 87. Ring gärna! :-)

Storköpet Géant genomför tyfonförberedelser, genom att tejpa sina fönster och placera ut lastpallar som skydd vid ingången